BS EN 13193:2000 – Packaging Ð Packaging and the environment Ð Terminology

BS EN 13193:2000 - Packaging Ð Packaging and the environment Ð Terminology

This standard defines terms used in the field of Packaging and the Environment.
The following principles are used as a basis :
-no preference is implied between the different methods of recovery ;
-no preference is implied between different packaging materials.
The terms are divided between three clauses. Clause 3 contains terms which are specifically related topackaging and the environment,Clause 4 contains terms relating to degradability and clause 5 terms relating toenergy recovery.The terms in clauses 4 and 5 are often used in connection with packaging.
A scheme showing how a number of the following terms are linked is given in annex A.This scheme has beenincluded to assist in understanding how the definitions have been derived, particularly in relation to the Packagingand Packaging Waste Directive. lft is not intended as a flow diagram and should not be interpreted as such.
3 Terms specific to packaging and the environment
3.1General terms
packaging component
part of packaging that can be separated by hand or by using simple physical means
packaging constituent
part from which packaging or its components are made and which cannot be separated by hand or by usingsimple physical means
3.2Terms related to recovery and reuse of packaging3.2.1
see annex B (B.1.2 and B.2.4)
recoverable packaging
packaging which is capable of undergoing a process of recovery3.2.3
reprocessing in a production process of the waste materials for the original purpose or for other purposesincluding organic recycling but excluding energy recovery [Directive 94/62/EC]
reprocessing in a production process of the waste materials for the original purpose or for other purposes including organic recycling but excluding energy recovery [Directive 94/62/EC]
recyclable packaging
packaging which is capable of undergoing a process of recycling
material recycling
recycding by means other than organic recycling
reprocessing in a production process of the waste materials for the original purpose or for other purposes
including organic recycling but excluding energy recovery [Directive 94/62/EC]
recyclable packaging
packaging which is capable of undergoing a process of recycling
material recycling
recycding by means other than organic recycling

BS EN 13090-2000

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