Wheelchair transport passport schemes

Wheelchair transport passport schemes

BS 8603:2020 pdf free.Wheelchair transport passport schemes – Code of practice.
With particular respect to wheelchair seated passengers, manufacturers of boarding aids such as ramps and passenger lift platforms and wheelchair tie-down and occupant restraint systems should support the use of their products with general blanket training that addresses the vast majority of situations that staff encounter.
NOTE 2 However there are occasions where the specific requirements of an individual with a disability need additional measures to be applied or employed, In order to maximize occupant safety when In transport. This can include physical conditions of disability such as pelvic obliquicy, scoliosis or support systems such as a PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy) feeding system, or a ventilator. In such circumstances, there is a clear need for user.specific instructions In order to maximize safety during vehicle entry and egress as well as when in transport.
NOTE 3 Where the complexity of a wheelchair user’s needs is greater, the more important the delivery of clear information and instruction to drivers and their assistants. It is therefore clear that the application of the scheme would be most benefi clal for passengers with more complex needs.
The passport should be attached to a wheelchair, or held about the wheelchair seated passenger, in a manner clearly visible or accessible to the vehicle operating staff. The system should be designed to hold pertinent details, presented In a clear, safe, reliable and durable format.
NOTE 4 The extent of information supplied depends on the complexity of the individual’s disability.
Wheelchair passport creation
A wheelchair passport system should provide key information to transport providers, drivers and passenger assistants, relating to the provision of safe transport of individual wheelchair seated passengers travelling in road vehicles, presented in a consistent way, so as to be easily accessible.
The need for the generation of an information transfer system or passport for transport should initially be identified at an early stage of the equipment prescription or supply process. Medical professionals, the individual user and their parent(s) or care provider should assess the transport needs and plan the nature of access to transport services as part of lifestyle planning.
As part of the personal transport planning process, there should be collaborative engagement of prescribers or suppliers, users, their parents or care providers with transport managers within a transport providing organization, in a transport risk management process.
The information to be relayed by the passport or information transfer system should therefore be determined as a result of a multidiscipline transport risk management process that engages wheelchair users and their care providers, equipment prescribers and suppliers, transport managers, vehicle drivers, passenger assistants and transport commissioners.
The transport manager or nominated representative within the organization of the transport provider should, as part of their responsibilities, engage in the provision of the information transfer system and ensure that adequate additional equipment or operator skills and capabilities are in place for each identified service user, with information gathered from all relevant stakeholders (see 4.41).
Information from the wheelchair user
The following information should be obtained from the wheelchair user or an individual acting on their behalf:
a) general requirements relating to their comfort and interaction with others during transport;
b) any specific requirements to maintain their posture or position during transport by either integrated or secondary postural support devices;
c) an exemption certificate that has been issued by their Gl in circumstances where the user is unable to use an occupant restraint due to their condition;
d) the requirement for measures or devices to prevent inappropriate release of an occupant restraint system during transport;
NOTE I Attention is drawn to the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 j2j.
e) specific requirements for the need of medical equipment, e.g. oxygen; and
1) any specific action to take in the event of a medical emergency (see 5.2.2). NOTE 2 User requirements do not automatically override manufacturer’s recommended use.
NOTE 3 Where an exemption certificate has been issued, additional risk control measures might be necessary
to ensure the safety of the user and other passengers travelling in the vehicle. The need for such consideration is highlighted in the transport risk assessment template given in Annex A.
Information from the wheelchair and seating prescriber
The transport coniniissioner, working rn conlunction with the transport manager or nominated representative within the organization of the transport provider, should ensure that systems are in place that enable the risk assessment coordinator to create a wheelchair passport for each identified user with information gathered from relevant stakeholders (see 4.4.1).
The following should be obtained from the wheelchair and/or seating prescriber:
a) details of the current prescription and any other recommendations;
b) confirmation that the user has been provided with a wheelchair that addresses their clinical, functional and lifestyle requirements;
c) confirmation that the user or the user’s carer has been provided with operational instructions for use and warnings about limitations where required;
NOTE I This is especially important when a piece of equipment or combination of pieces of equipment departs from manufacturer’s instru ctions for use.
d) confirmation that the prescription has been issued in consultation with a qualified clinical wheelchair prescriber (e.g. clinical scientist, clinical engineer, physiotherapist, rehabilitation engineer, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist or private retailer organizations)as required;
e) confirmation that the following have been taken into account during the prescription process:
1) manufacturer statements of suitability for use in transport;
2) limitations of use;
3) warnings that apply whilst used in transport;
4) wheelchair and seating system stability when occupied;
5) the use of postural support devices;
6) the use of communication devices;
7) requirement for special tie-down equipment;
8) the need for add-on components;
NOTE 3 Add-on components might include oxygen cylinders, ventilators or feeding systems.
9) which components need to be removed from the wheelchair during transport, e.g. knee blocks and oxygen cylinders, and secured separately within the vehicle;
10) the maximum angles of tilt and/or recline, and a means indicated for transport personnel to check those angles; and
f) where a departure from the manufacturer’s instructions for use is required due to the user’s specific clinical need, demonstration that a risk management process has been implemented to reduce risks to an acceptable level, with the benefits of travel identified.
NOTE4 An acceptable level of risk is determined by the process of completing a transport risk management process, such as the one given in Annex A.BS 8603 pdf download.Wheelchair transport passport schemes

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