Chlorine, Retained,Tensile Loss: Multiple Sample Method

Chlorine, Retained,Tensile Loss: Multiple Sample Method

AATCC 114-2016 pdf free.Chlorine, Retained,Tensile Loss: Multiple Sample Method.
6.1 Normally, only the warp strength isdetermined. Cut the sample approximately 35.6 cm (14 in.) in the warpwisedirection and 20.3 cm (8 in.) in the fillingwise direction. (If testing filling specimens, reverse these figures.)
7.1 Preparation of Washing Machine.If the washing machine has been used foranything other than chlorine bleaching,operate it through a full wash cycle withwater,adding 0.15%sodium tetraphosphate at the beginning of the cycle.Afterthe machine is free of impurities, set themachine for a Normal cycle, using one ofthe washing temperatures in Tables I,IIIor V of M6 as appropriate for the type ofwashing machine selected.
7.2 Chlorination. Permit wash water toenter machine to specified level.Add suf-ficient diluted sodium hypochlorite towash water to obtain a bath liquor concentration of 0.10% by weight of avail-able chlorine. Adjust the pH to 9.5 withsodium carbonate to raise the pH or so-dium bicarbonate to lower it. Add all thetest samples and sufficient untreated kier-boiled bleached cotton to make a 50:1liquor-to-cloth ratio.Run machinethrough wash portion of cycle.
7.3 Rinsing. After the first load ofwash water has been dumped and the ma-chine has been refilled, add 10 mL of thebuffer solution (see 11.5) for each gallonof water and continue operation throughthe remaining rinse cycles and the finalspin cycle. If there is more than one deep rinse, the buffer is added only to the firstone.
7.4 Drying and Conditioning.Tumbledry the washed specimens until just dry,
using one of the temDeratures listeday.Table Vm of M6.Transfcr at once to a
conditioned atmosphere at 65±5%RHand 21±2C (70±4F) and allow to remain through the scorching step and ten-sile strength testing. The samples shouldbe conditioned not less than 4 nor morethan 24 h before scorching, and not lessthan l6 h before tensile testing.
7.5 Preparationof Specimens forScorching. Prepare warp specimens by carefully cutting five strips approx. 35.63.2 cm (14.61.25 in.). Ravel the3.2 cm (1.25 in.) strips to exactly
2.54 cm(in. followingASTMD5035,Breaking Force and Elongationof Textile Fabrics (Strip Test)(see11.7).
Then trim the 35.6 cm(14 in.) length ofeach strip to 30.5 cm (i2 in.) From thisset of five 2.54 ×30.5 cm ( x 12 in.)strips. make two sets (from the same setof warp threads) of 2.54×15.2 cm (1 ×6in.y raveled strip specimens by cutting thestrips in two. Keep these sets separate;one set to be scorched, the other to beused as a control.
7.6 Preparation of heating device. Prepare heating device in advance so that theheating plates of the instrument maintaina temperature of 185 1C(365 2°F).lf necessary, to avoid air currents, encloseinstrument in a cabinet. Make sure thetwo heating plates are clean and in good adjustment (uniformly in contact at allpoints) (see 11.8).Scorch each strip ofone set separately (one at a time) by plac-ing the 2.54×15.2 cm (1 ×6 in.) specimen in the heating device with the longdirection of the raveled strip perpendicular to the long direction of the heatingplates so that it is scorched across thecenter of the raveled strip. Scorch thestrips for 30 s.Check reading of the thermometers frequently during use.Condition the specimens again, this time conditioning at least 16 h before making tensilestrength measurements.
7.7TensileStrength. Make tensilestrengthtests on the unscorched andscorched specimens and record the individual values. From these,calculate theaverage tensile strength for each set.
8.2 Report percent loss in tensile strength for warp due to damage causedby retained chlorine.
8.2.1 If filling strength loss is determined report percent loss in tensilestrength for filling.
9.Precision and Bias
9.1 Precision. The standard deviationobtained in developing this method was= 5.98.
The confidence interval based on 5specimens is C.I.±5.2.This confidenceinterval is around the percent loss in tensile strength.
9.2 Bias.The retained chlorine by ten-sile loss, multiple sample method, can bedefined only in terms of a test method.There is no independent method for de-termining the true value. As a means ofestimating this property, the method hasno known bias.
10.Referenced Documents
10.1 ASTM D5035,Standard TestMethod for Breaking Force and Elongation of Textile Fabrics (Strip Method)(see 11.7)AATCC 114 pdf download.Chlorine, Retained,Tensile Loss: Multiple Sample Method

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